
Bull Boat
Bull Boat
North America
The Round bull boat is so named because the hide that covers the frame comes from the bison bull.
The Round bull boat is so named because the hide that covers the frame comes from the bison bull.
A raft could be constructed fairly quickly from the plentiful papyrus reeds found along the Nile River.
The bark of the birch tree is the perfect material for building canoes; it is strong and flexible, and it does not stretch or shrink.
Pirogues made of cypress last a long time under normal usage because the wood repels water and resists decay.
Two men used this large flat bottom boat to gather kelp and seaweed from Aveiro lagoon.
In 1845, Joseph Francis patented the galvanized iron lifecar for rescuing shipwreck victims.
Since the end of the Second World War, fiberglass has been the most widely used material for building boats.